Tuesday, September 09, 2008

go see...

Uncounted. A film Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt that
examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S.
It lays down convincing evidence that not only has there been widespread voting fraud since 2000, but that it will most certainly happen again in 2008, specifically in places where electronic voting machines are being used. Machines which leave no paper trail, and have no way to check each and every individual vote one by one, which is the only way to assure that each vote is genuine and accounted for.
it doesnt matter how bad the McCain campaign is if the election is riggedI watched the film on the Starz movie channel, and it'll be on several more times during the next month, the next being Friday at 4:50 p.m. (eastern) on Starz Cinema (East). The film ought to be required viewing for anyone who remotely cares about any issue in America, because if those in power dont have to worry about how you vote, then they dont have to worry about what you think about anything.

More information can be found at Black Box Voting, an organization dedicated to, among other things, making electronic voting safe and accountable (and, yes, it can be so, but is not).

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