Thursday, September 11, 2008


Q: how symbolic of the Bush Administration is Ground Zero? A: VERY.  We went to the moon in 10 years - this photo was taken on 4/17/08. Seven years later, and as disgusted as I am with the Bush Administration for all the bullshit, incompetence, and lack of resolve they've shown in the aftermath of that morning, I'm even more disgusted with the American public. I find it mind-boggling that anyone connected with the Republican party (as it has stood since that day) is still in any kind of position of power, influence, or is in any way allowed to represent this nation. Why do we, as a nation, tolerate this still?

What has been done to address the attacks of 9-11? Anything? Other than restrictions upon Americans and a series of war-crimes with no connection to the attack itself?

And dont even get me started on the conspiracy crowd.

addendum: Seven years, and the yearly ritual at the site goes on, the same every year. And why should it not? Have those who lost their loved ones on that day recieved any kind of closure? No, they have not

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