Oh, man, it's official.
Princess Sparklepony is done.
That's another blogger down, another voice that seems to have quit not with a triumphant "job well done, you dont need me anymore", but a rather weary sense of futility.
I'm still soldiering on, though.
Like it matters.
It matters.
Yeah, I know. All I have to do is imagine the Bush Administration without the blogosphere to keep track of him. And without the blogosphere to keep the MSM at least lip-synching honesty and responsibility.
But that's a general good, not an individual one (and statistically speaking, I'm not doing much).
Don't underestimate your ability to see something the so-called "big blog" don't. They can get easily distracted by one issue (like focusing on Obama's health care stance while his eco guy was getting burned) or in-fighting.
Now, don't make me go all, "It's a Wonderful Life" on ya.
Keep going dude, until it stops being any fun at all.
PSP has gotten too big for his britches according to some circles. Plus, he just can't pick on Condi anymore, which was his basic mantra during the BushCo years.
Granted, it was a bit of a niche blog, wasnt it?
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