Tuesday, September 22, 2009

where is everybody?

I'm getting less than a half dozen hits a day. Okay, maybe that's not terribly surprising. But if you go down the mutual blogger list over there on the right, you'll find that people who used to post daily are only posting every few days, and people who used to post every few days are lucky to post weekly, and people who posted weekly are barely posting at (if) all. Some havent posted anything in months, One may be posting, but I cant get in.
Obviously, it's time to update my sidebar, 'cause it's getting lonely in my corner of the blogosphere.


Unknown said...

I am sorry I don't come around much lately. The whole political world is driving me insane and although I try to post daily it doesn't always happen.

I thought things would be different with a Democrat in the WH, but sadly its the same shit just a different guy.

daveawayfromhome said...

We're a one-party nation, and that party is the Money Party. You and I are not invited. Nor is pretty much anyone but a precious few (about,say, one percent?).
The thing elections seem to decide anymore is, are we going to elect the guys who fuck us, or are we going to elect the guys fuck us and then say "wow, you suck".

Omnipotent Poobah said...

Aw Dave. You know you're always in our hearts :-)

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Find some new blogging pals, just don't ditch the old ones that still love you!

daveawayfromhome said...

Nobody's getting ditched, unless their blog is dead (and even then I put it on the blog roll under "dead blogs" in hopes of a resurrection).
I'll just have to find new blogs. Which isnt as easy as it used to be, because while the porn and emo blogs seem to be far fewer these days, the Christian Family blogs seem to be going through the roof. The ol' "Next Blog" button aint what it used to be.

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I certainly agree with that Dave, the next blog button has lost it's lure.

daveawayfromhome said...

I used to be able to spend hours on it. You never knew what you were going to come across. Now it's pretty predictable: Spanish sports blog, Cute child blog, product blog, uplifting christian family blog, indonesian teenager blog, product blog, nordic language blog, and then something either middle eastern, pornographic or business related. Repeat endlessly.

Occassionally, something different will pop up, but the hunt has lost its charm.

Lydia said...

Oy, I've been busy and guilty. But here I am... sitting in the middle of nowhere... dropping you a line at 5:39 in the morning... sending love.

daveawayfromhome said...

Well, since I follow you both on blog and facebook, I know you've been busy, so I cant hold it against you. I also cant believe you're up so late. That wild Iowa lifestyle will bring nothing but trouble, mark my words.