Thursday, May 18, 2006

confirmation of all that is bad in America

Oh, God. Listening to Senate "Intelligence" Chairman Pat Roberts (from Kansas, of course) speaking at the opening of the Hearing to confirm Michael Hayden I feel fresh dispair at the fate of America. Listening to the Leaders of this country spouting jingoistic rhetoric while stomping on the civil rights of the American people, claiming war-time powers and labeling those who leak illegal behaviors as traitorous, I cannot decide whether to cry, rage, or simply run fast and far.

One other thing. Why do Candidates bring their families to endure these hearings?

ADDENDUM: (later that day)

Repeatedly, testimony form General Hayden seems to come back to the same thing: You'll have to trust me/him.

And there's the rub, isnt it. The White House, and anyone associated with them, is tainted. They have no credibility left, not with the world, not with any of the American People, except for the most deluded. I would say, just go ahead and confirm him, what the hell. The Bush Cabal will never choose anyone that the Opposition will truly be able to trust, so we might as well save everyone a lot of trouble and just let any old appointment in.

Then, cut off it's head (the Administration, that is).

1 comment:

anne altman said...

i don't trust men who look like Chicken Little.
it's just my thing.